
The online submission process is now open and communication proposals have to be send to Please find here the template file. Abstracts are restricted to 1 page.

We want to promote contributions from all countries.If you have trouble for writing an abstract in English, members of the scientific committee can help you with that. So please contact us about it at

We have already received many abstracts and we warmly thank all the contributors who shared their work with us. However, some of yours have expressed the need for a little more time to complete their abstract. Consequently, we have decided to extend the deadline to February 16th.We hope to receive your contributions and will be happy to see you in Serre-Chevalier, France, on March 2022.




Abstract book & peer-reviewed publication

Accepted abstracts will be published in an abstract book available on the conference website. Accepted authors will also have the possibility to submit a manuscrit in a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal after the conference.